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Naturally, a professional designer will have knowledge of proper building codes and or unique furniture designs that you aren’t aware of, but primarily, they will strive to create a unique look and feel that reflects your style. In studies, this is popularly defined as a space where you feel secure (69%), a space for relaxing (64%), and a space where you can be yourself (57%). Interior designers have several methods of creating a special look that is built into their design process to give you the perfectly designed home.

Catering The Kitchen To The Cook

As families come in many shapes and sizes, the person who mostly creates the meals if different in today’s lifestyle. Some people love to cook together, some have one master chef, and some tend to eat out and let their appliances gather dust. Whichever it is, a top interior designer should become familiar with your family’s culinary habits before designing your kitchen. If you like to have everyone in the family involved in cooking, tell your designer so they create a large space. Don’t be afraid to tell your designer that you prefer baking to cooking, or that you like to focus on the fine dining experience. They are there to design a kitchen to fit your life, not a kitchen that you will have to fit your life into.

Seeing Into The Future

A top interior designer can envision the potential and possibilities of a space even when they’re working with something completely different from the final vision. Interior designers obviously need an eye for aesthetics and design, but professional designers truly have a knack for knowing what will work in your space and making that a reality. They also consider how your family will grow. If you’re just starting a family and plan to have more children, they will make functional rooms for your little ones close by to yours. If you have older children going into adolescence, they will space rooms out to give everyone more privacy. In terms of design, a good interior designer will keep your home from being dated.

Focusing On The Family Room

For most families, the living room or family room is the centerpiece of the home. It’s where kids and parents gather at the end of the day to spend time together and where your guests enjoy an evening of entertainment. A top interior designer will know not to sacrifice this main living space in a redesign. They know that the heart of the home needs to reflect your style and comfort levels.

Above all, an interior designer will get to know what the family likes and dislikes are. A top interior designer will listen to your desires, inspirations, and details of your day-to-day life to create a home that functions perfectly for your family.

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Janet Brooks