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The March, 2020 issue of Desert Living Magazine profiles Janet Brooks in a piece entitled “The Timeless Designs of Janet Brooks”.

Just the other day, Janet Brooks, one of Scottsdale’s leading interior designers, visited a home in The Boulders she had designed in 1992. “Here we were, more than 25 years later,” she says, “and my clients, who are from New York City, are still in love with their winter home.”


“I stay on top of trends, but I don’t like doing something so edgy that it dates you in two years. I like to go into a home I designed a decade or two ago and find it doesn’t scream, ‘Out of date!'”

Janet describes her design style as “organ,c earthy, I like to use natural materials and local artisans. All of my designs start with the architectural style of the home. New-build projects are all about blending the exterior and interior architecturally and creating a palette of finishes that pulls it all together. Remodels, however, sometimes offer the challenge of balancing out of date architecture with the clients’ desires to freshen and modernize the interiors.”

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Janet Brooks