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This year has given a whole new meaning to the phrase, “there’s no place like home.”  Since it’s likely that we’re going to be spending even more time in our houses throughout 2021, it’s no surprise that many homeowners are looking to revamp their interior design.

As it is, the interior design industry generates $10 billion in revenue each year — and as we focus more on improving our home environment, interior designers will likely be busier than ever. Even in the midst of our current crisis, Interior design trends continue to emerge. As we wrap up the year and look toward 2021, we’re predicting some of the most prevalent features designers will see and use in their work.

Comfort Will Be En Vogue

Furniture can’t simply be nice to behold; it also needs to be functional. For many homeowners, that means their furnishings need to be comfortable above all else. As Americans shelter in place, no one wants to sit on hard chairs or couches with no cushioning. Today’s trends include over-stuffed furniture and pieces with rounded edges, making for a more inviting space. Even if you aren’t welcoming others into your home right now, your main living spaces need to create that warm and fuzzy feeling that makes you want to stay in.

“Grandma” Home Decor Has a Resurgence

Traditional designs are having a comeback — so much so that a new style known as “grandmillennial” has taken hold. Old fashioned decor elements, including antique furnishings and busy wallpaper, are actually desirable again. What might have once been dismissed at a garage sale is now a must-have for many younger homeowners. When historic pieces combined with modern elements, this blend of old and new can be incredibly appealing to many. It can also be a great way for designers to embrace sustainability, which will be sure to please eco-conscious homeowners.

Lighter Woods and Bolder Walls Prevail

Dark woods and neutral wall colors will be replaced with lighter-toned woods and bold walls in 2021. Lighter woods are especially enticing to those who want a more Scandinavian-inspired design with minimalist elements. These pieces can also be incredibly versatile and can lift the mood in any space. While white and greige still hold a place in many designers’ hearts, many homeowners are eager to embrace jewel-toned paints and patterned wallpapers to make a statement.

Most of us won’t be too upset to say goodbye to 2020. As we prepare for 2021, we can find some excitement in the home trends that will make themselves known. And arguably, there’s no better time to rethink your interior design. If you’re looking to give your home a makeover in the coming year, please contact us today to get started.

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Janet Brooks