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For most people, their home is their sanctuary. Even if they don’t think they’re particularly skilled in interior design, it’s easy for them to become attached to their interior home decor. While it’s perfectly fine to infuse your home with your personal style and preferences, there may come a point where your decor is actually doing a disservice to your home. And if you plan to entertain guests or even sell your house down the line, your home decor could end up being off-putting.

Whether you’ve just moved in and are looking for decorating guidance or you’re eager to know the secrets that the top interior designers in Phoenix use, we’re here to help. We’re sharing just a few common decor mistakes to avoid in your home in order to make your house that much more universally welcoming and stylish.

MISTAKE: Blank and Boring Walls

One of the biggest interior design trends of the past few years has involved a clean and white motif. While this can be effective in kitchens and bathrooms, it isn’t a theme that should be continued throughout the entire house. Doing so can make the home feel boring at best and sterile at worst.

If your walls feel unimaginative and uninspiring, one of the best things you can do is to carefully select some beautiful wall art to adorn them. By doing so, you’ll add some much-needed color and a bit of personality to any space. When hanging art, you should keep its center at eye level (around 56 to 60 inches from the floor). This can keep your art from being hung too high or too low.

If you’re not into wall art, you can opt for floating shelves, a wood accent wall, or some decorative plates to accomplish those same goals.

MISTAKE: Going Overboard With a Theme

On the opposite end of the spectrum, there is such a thing as too much design. That doesn’t mean you have to be a die-hard minimalist — but sometimes, less really is more.

That may be the case if you’ve become a little too invested in a particular theme or style of design. To keep your home from looking like a kitschy hotel or restaurant, you might need to reel things in. If you don’t think beyond that theme, a room can quickly become overwhelmed with design or may even verge on tacky. Break things up with some neutral elements and use those thematic components as accents to the design.

Just because you’ve traveled internationally or you live in a Spanish-style home doesn’t mean you have to make your house look like a museum. Mix things up to obtain a better balance.

MISTAKE: Choosing the Wrong Sized Furniture

When it comes to home decor, size does matter. Furniture can easily be too big or too small for a given space. Even if you love these pieces, they might not be the right fit for the family room or your bedroom. They can end up making the room feel cramped or make someone uneasy and not realize why.

The goal here is to make the room feel spacious and open. If your furniture is oversized, you’ll end up doing the opposite. You need to have furniture of the appropriate scale in order to showcase a room at its best. Your family may love those oversized lounge chairs, but they probably aren’t doing any favors for the look of your home. You may need to rearrange furniture within your house to obtain the right scale or even switch out pieces entirely for ones that are a better match.

Home decor isn’t an exact science, as everyone has a different preference. But there are some principles of interior design that tend to be universal. Fortunately, you don’t have to figure this out on your own. Our team is here to help. For more information, please contact us today.

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Janet Brooks