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Choose the Best Interior Designer

Great interior designers save you time, effort, and a lot of stress. There are several qualities interior designers should possess to ensure they can deliver what you want. According to Remodel, about 22% of homeowners spend between $5,000-$15,000 on home remodel projects. Good interior designers can increase the value of any home remodel. Look for these qualities to choose the best interior designer for your project.

No matter how developed a designer’s eye and style are, if they don’t have industry knowledge about materials and what is and isn’t possible, they cannot achieve their goals. A well-heeled industry professional will not only have a fantastic sense of style, but they will also have in-depth technical knowledge about materials. The best interior designers have a combination of formal education and hands-on experience. They work well with contractors and have at least a basic knowledge of the working parts, from electrical to interior design.

An interior designer should come with a network of resources for everything from lighting to flooring and art. They are well-connected to various suppliers in the industry. A network is an important quality because it is how the designer finds unique pieces for your home at a great price point. This quality is typically developed through experience. A strong network of suppliers also points to a good reputation in the industry.

You must choose an interior designer that works toward your vision. The right interior designer is a good listener who asks plenty of questions to get to know you better. A designer that puts their client’s vision above their own taste is a must. They should ask questions about your lifestyle and vision for the space. They should check in with you frequently to ensure they gather all the information they can.

Interior designers bring a lot to the table. Choosing the right designer is essential to the results of your project. Take the time to research and look for the qualities mentioned here to find a designer you can partner with to elevate your home’s style. To get connected with one of our interior designers, contact Janet Brooks Design today.

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Janet Brooks